Dually Accredited with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners.
Subtle Changes:
Profound Results

Hey there!
I'm Lisa Ramos
And if you've landed on our page, you're probably an Energy Healer, Souprenuer, Holistic Practitioner, Wellness Advocate, or aspiring to be one! So, come on in and get all our FREEBIES that will help you take steps toward turning complete strangers into raving fans, keeping your schedule filled each and every week!

I've been where you are...
Offering free "introductory sessions," trying sessions by donation (even the $5 payer was better than the no-payers", and dabbling in the group sessions with limited success and tons of frustration.
After a year of spending hours daily in energy healing groups looking for a client just to have my schedule only partially booked and still not reaching my financial goals, I decided there had to be a better way!
We are heart-centered healers with a passion for helping people improve their lives; business shouldn't have to be this hard! So I decided to say goodbye to the burnout, competition between healers, and lack of support, and now...
My business has earned over a million dollars in revenue! I've certified and taught hundreds of other practitioners to build global brands and have now created a step-by-step pathway that teaches how to go from $0 to over 6 figures a year (guaranteed!)
Want to know how your experience and expertise can become a full-time, very profitable business?
Take What You Need
I am so thrilled that I am a practitioner with the Global Energy Method™. I was a fairly new practitioner when I began and this training helped me get more intutive and get a huge referral clientelle, which really shows the results my clients get.
- Kate S.
(Rebalance With Kate)
When I joined the program I didn't know what to expect and now I'm so glad I did. Now I get the chance to change the lives of hurting people every single day and am a real contributor to my family income!
- Vanessa C.
(Jumpstart Your Freedom)
I wholeheartedly recommend Global Energy/Infinity Healer to anyone in the energy healing profession. It has become an integral part of my journey. If you are seeking a thriving community, powerful healing methods, and tools to enhance your business, becoming a G.E.M Healer is the most effective way to go.
- Kelli S.
(Women's Energy Healing)