Dually Accredited with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners.
Subtle Changes:
Profound Results

Global Energy Method™ Software
Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) is taught within the curriculum for Ph.D. level psychologists and one of the classes is purely on Energy Healing!
As of 2023, it is estimated that about 56% of doctors believe in the value of CAM methods. However, only about 17% are currently recommending it!
Why? One of the big reasons is the inability to measure quality and the fact that each practitioner does things quite differently.
Enter the Global Energy Method™ Software (G.E.M.S)
This software is so comprehensive getting to the intricate parts of the body where we can find anything from micronutrient imbalance to physiological alterations leading to hindered health.
But, the most exciting thing is...it guides the practitioner through the session and customizes the options available based on prior choices customizing every session to the client.
This is just one of the reasons the Global Energy Method™ was able to become the first energy healing modality accepted as a continuing education provider for the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board!
Benefits of this Groundbreaking Software Include

Client Security
It holds the client data in a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) secured server. This is important because it protects both the practitioner and the client from loss of personal information. A breach could result in expensive lawsuits. Let G.E.M.S keep you protected.

Report Generating
The software is used for each session. With each step in the process customizing both the session and client report for each client individually. At the end of the session the report is fully created with many customizable sections throughout.

Provides Credibility
Ensures nothing is missed. The Global Energy Method™ certification training gives PDF charts for each lesson but, there are so many intricacies and each client is unique. Using the software ensures the best quality session every time.